The truth comes out
Naturally, the MSM sees the NRA's stance as "mistaken":
The NRA Web site is hosting a campaign that erroneously claims the conference will take place July 4 (the U.N. will be closed that day) and that it aims to take away their guns. The meeting's agenda relates only to the illegal trade in small arms.
Human rights advocates hope the conference will build momentum for a treaty to apply the "Global Principles" to trade in all weapons, including warplanes, tanks and attack helicopters.
However, they deny any grand conspiracy, saying the conference will help governments in Latin America and Asia that have no gun laws think more responsibly about the small arms trade.
The principles would be nonbinding, but would enable governments and civic groups to call violators more easily to account, said Colby Goodman, an advocate for Amnesty International USA.
Yeah, right.
Here's a quote from Rebecca Peters, head of the International Action Network on Small Arms (IANSA), which pretty much sums up their REAL agenda:
I think American citizens should not be exempt from the rules that apply to the rest of the world. At the moment there are no rules applying to the rest of the world. That’s what we’re working for. American citizens should have guns that are suitable for the legitimate purposes that they can prove. I think that eventually Americans will realize that their obsession with arming themselves in fear, in a paranoid belief that they’re going to be able to stave off the ills of the world through owning guns, through turning every house into an arsenal, eventually Americans will go away from that. I think Americans who hunt—and who prove that they can hunt—should have single-shot rifles suitable for hunting whatever they’re hunting. I mean American citizens should be like any other citizens of the world.
In other words, you can only have the guns the government says you can have. All they have to do is declare certain (e.g. most all) guns "illegal", and that'll be that. Oh, and you Americans should disarm, bow the knee and accept the chains of slavery like the rest of us lilly-livered, limp-wristed, panty-waist "citizens of the world".
I don't think so, Scooter.
If I may quote the Geekwitha45:
Molon Labe, bitch.
h/t Kim and the Geek