Saturday, July 21, 2012

I'm going to get flamed for this, and I don't care.

Am I the only one bothered by the fact that James Holmes did what he did despite the fact that he was probably outnumbered a hundred or so to one?  We don't have a gun problem, folks ... we have a MINDSET problem.  That theater in Aurora should have turned into an enraged mob beating that murdering psychotic jerk to a pulp, rather than becoming a herd of victims running for the doors.  One madman - even one with a semiautomatic rifle - is no match for a mob in an enclosed space.

Think I'm wrong?  See also:  United Airlines Flight 93;  Todd Beamer;  "Let's roll."  There's your homework, folks. Go refresh your memories.

This has nothing to do with disingenuous notions of heroism.  It has EVERYTHING to do with loving and protecting yourself, your family, your loved ones and the people around you who just wanted to see a damned movie.

I'm absolutely sick about this, on so many levels.  We could learn another lesson from this, but ... we're doing it wrong.  We're going to talk about "gun control" when we really should be addressing our problem of abandoning each other when things get really bad.

How have we continued to become a nation of bystanders? Have we already forgotten how to take care of each other? We had a handle on this for a while after 9/11. For God's sake, folks, let's re-learn to be Todd Beamer.  Let's take responsibility -- even at the cost of our own lives.  Don't run away -- do something.  Anything.  If you don't want in on the fight, then find a bleeder and put direct pressure on a wound.  Just do something.  If we're going to go down, let's go down swinging.  Let's all crack open a can of man, get in there and do God's work.

Say it with me:  "Let's roll..."


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