Thursday, June 15, 2006


This may turn into a weekly blog. At least until the Fall term.


This was my first week of classes in the Summer session. I'm taking College Algebra and Anatomy & Physiology. Algebra is killing me. I haven't had a math class since ... let's see ....


Thank God Miss Fluffy luuuuuuuuuvs math, or I'd be sunk. I'm serious.

It's not that I'm lazy -- I read the material (multiple times), attend class, take notes -- the whole nine yards. But once the homework problems move away from carbon-copies of the examples given in the text, I dumb out. Miss Fluffy has been nudging me in the right direction (and occasionally working all the way through problems to help me figure things out). I may have to give a backrub.

At any rate, I've been doing about 4 hours of math homework a night. Just math. My A&P reading has been pushed back, and will get done this weekend. Along with more math.

At least I think I aced the quiz we had today. I don't dare speculate on whether or not I can keep that up until August...

So, until then, blogging will be light. Probably more often than once a week, but don't bet the farm on it.

Come to think of it, I don't remember the last time I pulled a trigger.

Double dang.

We'll have to rectify that this weekend.


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