Thursday, June 08, 2006

Good riddance

Al-Zarqawi is dead. That brightened my morning somewhat.

There are some down-sides to this development, though:

This doesn't really mean much in the overall context of our problems in Iraq. Zarqawi was probably a significant leader, but his death hardly means the insurgency will disintegrate. Someone will take his place. The same can be said if we manage to kill Bin Laden -- we'll get a warm-fuzzy feeling for a while, but the problem won't magically go away. We'll have created a martyr to boot.

The other thing is the way in which he was killed. Not like I care all that much (he's just as dead regardless of the method used), but he deserved to see it coming. When a 500-lb bomb is delivered - with impressive precision, BTW - courtesy of the USAF, you don't get any warning. This sweaty turd didn't deserve to die so painlessly. He deserved to have the bad breath of some sweaty, unshaven, pissed-off American Marine in his face as his last conscious memory.

A more violent end would have been more fitting for a man who cut off the heads of bound, innocent people and filmed it for propaganda.

My only hope is that he'll get his deserved punishment for eternity in hell -- decapitation - over and over - forever - with a spoon. A dull one. On camera. I hope the demon given the task has Nick Berg's face.

So -- Roast in hell for eternity, you son of a bitch. We'll send Osama down with our regards to keep you company soon enough.


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