Saturday, May 03, 2008


Finals are next week. I only have final exams in Medical Microbiology, but I have separate exams for lab and lecture.

I worked another E.R. shift last night. I'm still really enjoying E.R. It can be frustrating, but somehow the frustrations and irritations of dealing with patients in the E.R. just aren't the same as what I find on the floor.

I've been told that at least one nurse at work is pissed because I'm getting E.R. time fresh out of LPN. I hate that. I've never had a problem with co-workers, and I don't plan to start now. I'm not apologetic, though. I didn't change careers to be a med-surg LPN. I want to be an RN, and (right now) I'm not interested in working the floor. I want to work E.R. or maybe I.C.U. (though I haven't had much time there thus far.) I have no doubt that the floor is where I'll get the bulk of my experience, and that's OK - I'm willing to pay my dues - but I'm not going to let opportunities pass me by because someone else feels entitled. When I'm offered E.R. time, why on earth would I turn it down?

Anyway, my life will pretty much be study-study-study between now and Thursday.

No break after finals for the Alpineman. RN coursework starts the very next week.


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