Yeah, yeah...

... I've been away. So sue me. I'm working and I'm in school. Life's busy right now.
I'm on Spring Break this coming week, so I took a trip to see the mighty HODAR. We had 2 good range days this weekend, during which I function-tested the 4 Bulgarian "waffle" mags I bought for the AK. They functioned flawlessly.
"Why is there a hose clamp on your rifle," you ask? 'Cause an AK gets hot, and I've found that a hot AK can melt polymer furniture. That clamp is holding the forearm on. Hey, it's an AK ... it's supposed to look rough. That being said, there may be some Ultimak in my future...
HODAR's range is closing soon, which is a shame. He lives in a, shall we say, "urban" area, so places to shoot are few, far between ... and expensive for him.
Anyway, good times. Blogging may be light for something like the next year until I get my RN.
Oh, I take the PN board exam on Wednesday. Yes, I've developed a bleeding ulcer.
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