Friday, January 18, 2008


Nursing gives me a different perspective on Tam's viewpoint:

According to this CNN article, one in four heart attack patients has to wait for fifty minutes or more in the ER to see a doctor. This is unacceptable. If we adopt a more modern and progressive system, we can get our numbers up in no time. (Plus it would cut down on the number of Canadians who come down to use our hospitals, eh?)

The little rural hospital where I work has - surprise! - a tiny little E.R. We've got a room for triage, 3 exam rooms and 3 "trauma" beds. That's it, unless people are OK with being stitched up in the hallway.

We already have far too many times when we're nearly overwhelmed with patients - most of whom aren't really "emergencies." In order to figure out who needs to be treated first, we've got to triage everybody. That takes time. So, sometimes little Johnny has to wait more than an hour to get his broken arm put in a cast. Sorry. The MVA in triage one who's trying his best to bleed out, the 6-month old with a 103-degree fever, the acute chest pain with a history of MI and the other more acute cases have to be handled first. Johnny will have to wait.

When (and I emphasize when rather than if) HillaryCare or ObamaCare is instituted, things are going to get worse. Not better. Patient loads will increase. Not the other way around. Wait times will follow suit.

Don't kid yourself - legions of competent, eager doctors and nurses will not materialize to handle these people. Our E.R. won't spontaneously grow new beds to handle the patients. And the E.R. nurse who already appears to be at the end of her rope will not get more optimistic.

Somehow I doubt society will suddenly start taking better care of itself, exercise, swear off cigarettes, booze and fast food, slow down and drive like they've got some sense and decrease the burden on our already overtaxed healthcare system.

For those of you who want "universal healthcare", here's hoping you get what you're asking for. Enjoy your wait.



Blogger Tam said...

You do realize I was being sarcastic, right?

7:58 PM  
Blogger Alpineman, RN said...

Yep. I don't have your wit, though. Your post hit a nerve, and I ran with it.

12:04 AM  
Blogger Alpineman, RN said...

Oh, God. Now I'm getting all neurotic about it and I feel like I have to explain myself. I guess that quote didn't fit my context. Damn. I can't take this kind of scrutiny!

12:34 AM  

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