Friday, January 11, 2008

Remember Samus?

I got Andy McKee's CD Art of Motion a few days ago, and it's a stunning listen.

Although it's not one of my favorite tracks, I like the title & description of track 10:

10) Samus' Stardrive
"I'm a video game addict and this tune is directly influenced by the music in a certain 8-bit odyssey. After Samus' triumphant victory over Motherbrain and the Metroid hordes, I imagine she turned in for a long cryo-sleep during her stardrive to safer shores."

I'm not a video game "addict" and my brother and I never had very many games for our original Nintendo system. I think it was years before we ever had Metroid, but it became one of my favorite games - I think because the music was so weird. It had an other-worldly feel that no other game could match. Well, until Doom came out ...

Heh. We nerds are so easy to entertain...


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