Wednesday, January 16, 2008


Well, the marathon is over. I went from 1pm Monday until about 8pm last night with only 3 30-minute naps. That's over 30 hours with only 1.5 hours sleep. I didn't feel all that bad, frankly - just a little fuzzy. I slept until 10am this morning, though. I'm still battling "the crud" -- that mucous-soaked cough that's been plaguing the community. A lack of sleep isn't helping.

Classes went pretty well. I had nothing to do today in terms of work or school ... but I did have to get the battery for my truck replaced (it died right before all this began - how convenient), replace the broken chainsaw chain and cut more firewood. Oh, and our house furnace isn't working. The living room (with the wood stove) is the only warm room in our house right now. At least the furnace is under warranty...


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