Sunday, January 21, 2007


I'm so tacti-cool it hurts...

Behold, my latest addition:

The Magpul Enhanced Triggerguard

This is useful for anytime you're wearing gloves. My rifle came with a fold-out triggerguard, hinged at the rear. All you had to do was push in a detent-spring and it would come open. Problem is, the triggerguard would then be poking downward at an angle and would no longer be serving its stated purpose -- that of guarding the trigger. Duh.

So, if you varmint-hunt in the cold, or your AR is your truck-gun when you're cutting wood, or if you just roam the woods with tacti-cool OD Mechanix gloves on, this'll work for 'ya.

Tactical overalls are optional, of course.


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