Saturday, January 06, 2007

No lawyer jokes on this blog...

... thanks to LawDog:

I don't care how justifiable the killing was. I don't care if you're in Deepinahearta, Texas and the deceased is laying in the middle of your living room floor with an axe in one hand and a detailed murder list in the other.

Call your lawyer.

Miss Fluffy and I have had our CCW licences in two states now. In our former abode, we knew a lawyer who could have hooked us up if things went south (since this individual didn't specialize in self-defense cases). In our current state, though, we've been remiss in that we haven't made contact with one.

I'm trying to rectify that as I type this.

If you carry a gun, or if you have a gun in your home and might ever use it to defend yourself, you would be well advised to do the same.

And no lawyer jokes. Funny how people seem to view cops and lawyers similarly: Seems like everybody loves to hate cops and lawyers ... until they need one.


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