Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Canada boots Martin...

... which shows all hope isn't lost for our Northern neighbors. I just hope their Conservative
leaders won't lose all restraint like ours have.


I can't claim to be a Canadian-politics-watcher, but I think this goes to show, if nothing else, that society will eventually get disillusioned with the moonbat Utopia that so many "Liberal" politicians push. The government that they promise will care for the people ends up being an ineffectual hindrance, and the people's eyes open, ever so slowly.

Of course, as soon as the first political, economic, or social crisis arises, the Conservatives will be blamed for sucking up to "big-business" and ignoring the "needs" of the people, and the pendulum will start to swing back the other way. It's happening here, and I dread the day when it reaches the apex of its swing back to the Left. Hillary is waiting, staying in the headlines and positioning herself quite well. God help us.

I wonder .... if Hillary is elected in '08, would I make threats about moving to Canada? How warped would THAT be?!?!?


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