Wednesday, November 30, 2005


Well, my Intermediate Welding class finished up tonight. We didn't really learn anything new, but that's because the school didn't order compatible parts for the TIG welders. At this point, I'm pretty much proficient stick welding in all positions (which, for us laymen, means on horizontal and vertical seams and surfaces, as well as in overhead seams). I'm already signed up for the Advanced session, which starts in February, and is intended to prepare us for certification.

I hope to get certified, for several reasons. I'm getting tired of my job, for starters. I do what I do pretty well, but frankly, sometimes it sucks having "people skills". I'm to the point where I don't really want to have much to do with .... well, people.

The more welding I do, the more time I spend fantisizing about moving to Alaska and welding on the pipeline for a living. If drilling actually goes on in ANWR, I may have to stock up on coffee and get used to the dark. Look at it this way ... considering the kind of money there is to be made welding, combined with the stipend the oil companies pay to Alaska residents .... what's not to like? Um, no, please don't make me move to Alaska and live where I might actually have a WHITE CHRISTMAS and not have to deal with people all that much and weld for a living... And Alaskans don't seem to have that gun-fearing-wussy hang-up that afflicts Kalifornians. Maybe there's such a thing as too much sun. Oh, how I'd love to say, "goodbye coat-and-tie, hello Carhartt!!"

Anyway, I'd like to do a project or two over between now and the time the Advanced class starts. I may make a little wagon/cart for the Mule or something like that. When it comes right down to it, I just need to fire up our welder in the tool shed & get used to using it.

And now, ladies & gents - it's time for beddy-bye. I was over in Hazard, KY today for my job, and I stayed overnight Tue. in Harlan. For those of you who may live in the "flat-lands", let me tell you - driving in Eastern KY is .... stimulating. I don't know if it was because my hotel room smelled funky or if it was 'cause I was all keyed-up for the next day, but I don't think I slept a wink. I'm pooped.


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