National Ammo Day !!!

November 19 - Saturday - is National Ammo Day. What tha' heck is that, you ask?
It is a nationwide BUYcott of ammunition. You buy ammunition. 100 Rounds a person.
The goals of Ammo Day:
The goal of National Ammo Day is to empty the ammunition from the shelves of your local gun store, sporting goods, or hardware store and put that ammunition in the hands of law-abiding citizens. Make your support of the Second Amendment known--by voting with your dollars!
There are an estimated 75 MILLION gun owners in the United States of America. If each gun owner or Second Amendment supporter buys 100 rounds of ammunition, that's 7.5 BILLION rounds in the hands of law-abiding citizens!
Let the politicians, the gun-grabbers, and the international community know that America is proud of its Right to Bear Arms and we will not be disarmed.
The gun/ammunition manufacturers have been taking the brunt of all the frivolous lawsuits brought by the gun-grabbers. These gun-grabbers are trying to put these folks out of business. Well, not if we can help it! And we CAN help it by buying ammunition on November 19!
Well, now .... that's a holiday that's right up my alley! Not to mention it gets me good & prepared for the Thanksgiving holiday, during which there will be blastin' o' plenty!
So, instead of going out to eat Friday night, stay home & grill some meat, drink cheap beer and save your money to buy some ammo on Saturday. For what you'd pay for a decent meal, you can buy a heck of a lot more than a hundred rounds.
Then sit back, concentrate, and see if you can sense Diane Feinstein's migrane...
Then SHE can ask, "Where's the Tylenol"??
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