Monday, March 24, 2008
... for a change, so I took a drive up on the mountain.
We've had a few pretty nasty storms with high winds, so I expected to find a few trees down across the trail. There weren't nearly as many as I expected.
Mom & Dad were here for Easter, and we had enough food to feed a small African country. Maybe once the weather warms up I'll be able to get them to stay for more than 2 hours at a time...
Anyway, I actually got to relax quite a bit over the weekend.
Now back to the grind. I have school obligations this afternoon, followed by 3rd shift at work tonight and then class tomorrow.
I work 4 days this week. My Saturday and Sunday shifts are 12 hours each. It's stressful, but I can handle it ... for the time being. I'll have to cut back to 2 shifts a week once classes start in May ... for my own mental health!
Friday, March 21, 2008
It warrants repeating...
When seconds count, the cops are only minutes away:
Good thing she apparently didn't have one of those pesky guns. Somebody could've gotten shot...
Deputies arrived at the house, 20 miles east of Los Angeles, a few minutes after Wednesday's late morning call.
The woman, whose name was not released by police, had been shot several times. Paramedics pronounced her dead at the scene.
Good thing she apparently didn't have one of those pesky guns. Somebody could've gotten shot...

Well, probably not insomnia, technically, but I can't sleep. My hours have my sleep schedule turned on its ear. I worked in the E.R. Wed. night and got to bed around 4:30am Thursday morning. I was up at 8:30am for class.
I got home last night (or tonight ... geez, this is getting confusing) and was beat, so I went to sleep around 9pm. Around 12:30am this morning I woke up and couldn't go back to sleep. Soooooo, here we are staring at the screen.
Currently coming out of the speakers: My Curse by Killswitch Engage.
I guess I'll try to make some use of my time and get my work/school schedule in my calendar so I can try and get a handle on my life for the next 6 weeks.
I work the E.R. tonight from 5pm to 3am. There's an IDPA match Saturday morning at 9am that I'd like to make, but I don't know if I'll be up for it.
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Welcome to the rodeo
Wow - our little E.R. was off the hook last night. We weren't necessarily slammed, but business was steady from the time I came in at 5pm 'till I left at 3am. We saw all kinds of stuff.
Same party tonight, different E.R. doctor. The R.N. I work with said tonight will be more backed up because this doctor doesn't multitask well and insists on working with one patient at a time. Yay. (This is me being sarcastic...)
Weather today: 50 degrees and rain. Craptastic. Again.
Same party tonight, different E.R. doctor. The R.N. I work with said tonight will be more backed up because this doctor doesn't multitask well and insists on working with one patient at a time. Yay. (This is me being sarcastic...)
Weather today: 50 degrees and rain. Craptastic. Again.
Friday, March 14, 2008
I was scheduled to take my board exam on Wednesday morning, but I rescheduled it for early April. I took a couple of practice exams on Monday and ... well, they didn't go so well. At least I have time to regroup and get myself in gear. Maternity and Peds are my weak points. Imagine that...
Miss Fluffy is out of town for the weekend, so I'm flying solo. On today's menu, we've got a main course of online Maternity/Peds assessments with Maternity/Peds study time for dessert. Yeah, I go wild when the wife's outta town. That's how I roll.
I work in the E.R. tonight from 5p 'till 3a. I hope to have time to get the gas tube out of my AR before I leave. Not long ago, I bought the necessary tools to get the barrel off the rifle so I can do more of my own maintenance. We'll see how that goes...
Today's weather in Ketuckistan: rainy and 50 degrees. Craptastic.
Miss Fluffy is out of town for the weekend, so I'm flying solo. On today's menu, we've got a main course of online Maternity/Peds assessments with Maternity/Peds study time for dessert. Yeah, I go wild when the wife's outta town. That's how I roll.
I work in the E.R. tonight from 5p 'till 3a. I hope to have time to get the gas tube out of my AR before I leave. Not long ago, I bought the necessary tools to get the barrel off the rifle so I can do more of my own maintenance. We'll see how that goes...
Today's weather in Ketuckistan: rainy and 50 degrees. Craptastic.
Sunday, March 09, 2008
Yeah, yeah...

... I've been away. So sue me. I'm working and I'm in school. Life's busy right now.
I'm on Spring Break this coming week, so I took a trip to see the mighty HODAR. We had 2 good range days this weekend, during which I function-tested the 4 Bulgarian "waffle" mags I bought for the AK. They functioned flawlessly.
"Why is there a hose clamp on your rifle," you ask? 'Cause an AK gets hot, and I've found that a hot AK can melt polymer furniture. That clamp is holding the forearm on. Hey, it's an AK ... it's supposed to look rough. That being said, there may be some Ultimak in my future...
HODAR's range is closing soon, which is a shame. He lives in a, shall we say, "urban" area, so places to shoot are few, far between ... and expensive for him.
Anyway, good times. Blogging may be light for something like the next year until I get my RN.
Oh, I take the PN board exam on Wednesday. Yes, I've developed a bleeding ulcer.