Sunday, January 29, 2006


Thanks to Kim for posting this from the Mad Ogre.

The further we get from Hurricane Katrina, the easier it is to lapse back into the ol' daily routine, and let preparedness fall by the wayside.

It makes me feel somewhat better that he addresses the "paranioa" label, since I feel that way sometimes. ....... OK, I feel that way alot.

Preparing for a disaster doesn't make you paraniod ... it makes you prepared (duh). Remember when young men were rewarded for the ability to spend the night out in the woods with nothing but a pocketknife? We called them Eagle Scouts, and they were revered. Today, though, they're called survivalists, and we're supposed to fear them as sociopathic, government-fearing freaks.

Am I paranoid because I wear my seat belt every time I drive my truck, even though I've never been in an accident? You don't put your seatbelt on AFTER the wreck. Duh. Why are disaster preparations any different?

"Paranioa" needs to be put back in it's proper context. After all, Richard Clarke was considered paranoid on September 10, 2001.


Blogger miss fluffy said...

I guess this is my clue to drag out the kit again and re-evaluate. It's been six months since we REALLY gave some in-depth thought as to what goes in it... now we should pull it out, look again, make a list so this will be easier next time (complete with expiration dates for easy replacement), make the necessary adjustments, and slap a "grab me before you go" list (lists are my friend!) on top of the kit of things we use everyday. Maybe an "emergency leave" drill should be in order, too... just for s&gs.

2:18 AM  

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