There's a big, soft, mushy spot in my heart for Seattle, Washington... which is weird, considering my politics.

The first trip I took as an independent adult was to Seattle, to climb the first "big mountain" I ever did. It was the first time I ever crashed on the living room floor of people I had never met before. I saw the Blair Witch Project - on opening night - in Seattle, in a little theatre just off the University of Washington campus, which was full of snarky, smart-assed progressives who actually seemed to enjoy the film. I bought my kilt in Seattle.
I can't quite articulate what Seattle means to me. It probably sounds completely stupid to pretty much everybody, but after I recovered from cancer, Seattle was the first "destination" I ever reached. Hey, Seattle was the center of the world in 1992, when I graduated from high school.
Let me put it this way ... when I was getting chemo before my bone marrow transplant, I decided I would try mountaineering if I got out of the hospital alive. I did, indeed, try mountaineering, though it wasn't in Seattle first (that honor goes to North Conway, NH.) Seattle, though, was on the "other" coast ... a world away from what I was used to. You couldn't drive there... not practically, anyway. Getting to Seattle was the first airline ticket I bought on my own. Mt. Adams was my Mt. Everest. I had never seen a mountain that big before with my own eyes. I hate the Mt. Adams slog, but I still manage to love the mountain itself.

I love Seattle.
Before tonight, I had never actually seen Singles all the way through. I loved Pearl Jam "Ten". Everything after that was a disappointment. Layne Stayley overdosed. Seattle was over before it got famous, but I don't care. I recognized parts of the city in the movie, though it's not like I could say, "I know exactly where that is!!" But I recognized the character of parts of the city in the movie.
Damn. I didn't enjoy the 90s until it was over.
I still love Seattle. I hate its politics, but I swear ... if I could move to any major U.S. city...
I'd choose Seattle.
Anyway, I watched Singles tonight all the way through, and it made me remember how much I love Seattle.
I can't wait to go back.
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