Monday, April 30, 2007

2 down...

... 5 to go.


Actually, today's exam wasn't a "final" -- just the last exam in Psych Nursing. I've got a computer exam to take today (the last test - at least there's no final in that class), and then on to studying for the dreaded Pharmacology final tomorrow.

Everyone in the class also has to take computer-based assessments in particular nursing areas (fundamentals, med/surg, pharm, etc.) mandated by the nursing program. We're not "graded" on them, as such, but if we don't make a certain benchmark score, we have to have "remediation" in that particular area during the summer.

Translation: just another thing to worry about.

I don't think I've ever had this much pressure going into finals before. I'm to the point that I've turned off all the phone ringers in the house (stupid contraption is driving me crazy...) I swear, if I could crawl back into the deepest recesses of a cave -- and still be able to use the computer -- I think I'd do it.

If I get through this without developing a bleeding ulcer, it'll be a miracle.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Missing the point...

Ted Nugent has gotten his say in regarding the VA Tech shootings, and CNN has linked an opposing viewpoint by Tom Plate. Read both articles (and - just for fun - try to figure out which of them looks more ridiculous in their photos...)

They - and way, way too much of America - are missing the point.

Unfortunately, it's hard to have a rational discourse about the role of firearms in America after 32 people have been shot to death. But the blood has been cleaned up now. It's time to be rational.

Since the MSM likes to run headlines dripping in blood, the gun discussion tends to be started by one thing - crime. Crime - especially crime involving guns - makes headlines. Why wouldn't it? News orgainizations have ad space and time to sell - they want you to read and/or watch. Shocking headlines ensure that you and I pay attention (and pay their sponsors, or so they hope.)

Look, we all internalize what we see and hear from the MSM - we're conditioned to do it. It's understandable. But when the discussion turns to guns, the MSM doesn't seem to know how to frame the discussion in any way but one. To them, guns = crime. America buys into that mindset, and we end up chasing our tails in this "guns = crime" versus "guns = Constitutional right" debate.

The issue is much bigger than that, folks.

Read your history. Think about why it was that the founding fathers of this country allowed the Second Amendment to be added to the Constitution. Think about why so many state constitutions still contain language like ... well, like that of the VA State Consitution:

That a well regulated militia, composed of the body of the people, trained to arms, is the proper, natural, and safe defense of a free state, therefore, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed; that standing armies, in time of peace, should be avoided as dangerous to liberty; and that in all cases the military should be under strict subordination to, and governed by, the civil power.

Think about what that's saying: Power is easily abused. Give as much power as possible to the people, instead of the government - including the power for the people to defend themselves, their state and their country. Why? Because standing armies have - thoughout history - been used to oppress the people they were theoretically supposed to be protecting. Our founding fathers knew that. That's why we have guns.

For those of you who would see guns banned - Do you really think that the argument in favor of individual citizens owning guns is anachronistic? Do you really think our modern armed forces and police are adequate to protect us, and that guns are now only good for crime?

Think about that - do you really want all the guns to be in the hands of forces controlled by George W. Which-Country-Shall-I-Invade-Next Bush and Dick I-Shot-My-Hunting-Partner-In-The-Face Cheney? Do you really want that? Do you really have faith in your local police - especially those of you "protected" by the New Orleans The-City-Is-Flooded-To-Hell-With-Serve-And-Protect-I'm-Outta-Here P.D.?

Our forefathers got it, but we seem to have misplaced the memo. They understood that our country wasn't created out of peace or love or treaties or understanding or tolerance. It was created from armed rebellion. Our forefathers said - in effect - "You know what? I've had it with King George. Let's do this governing thing ourselves." And their individually owned guns backed that assertion up.

Sick of King George. Sound familiar?

Think about that.

Remember Florida? "Hanging chads?" The rule of law makes guns in the hands of citizens unnecessary, eh? How'd that work out for 'ya in Florida not so long ago?

Ordinary citizen ownership of guns is unnecessary. Laws will protect us. President Bush will protect us. Our armed forces will protect us. FEMA will protect us. The N.O.P.D. will protect us. The Virginia Tech no-guns-on-campus rule will protect us. Security cameras will protect us.


Guns are used in crime. Granted. Congratulations - you can read the headlines. (Who says our education system is broken?!?!?)

But just having a discussion about guns only in the context of crime totally ignores the larger history of why citizens of our nation have the right to own guns.

Guns are about far, far more than crime. Whether you like it or not, guns are a part of who we are as Americans. Guns are about liberty, and about having the power to keep that liberty. Liberty doesn't typically end up being synonymous with safety, and sometimes I wonder if our country still has the spine to accept that.

Let's not get caught up in the furvor and forget why we have - and why we should have - the guns.


I had OR clinicals yesterday. It was - in a word - amazing. I had the opportunity to see a total knee replacement AND a total hip replacement.

I really like the structure and pace of the OR - you get a specific patient with a specific condition, you do specific things for the patient in a pretty well-defined time frame, you get the patient out to the PACU, and move on to the next one. Look, my last job taught me to appreciate completion. After watching the circulating nurse (a guy!) for several hours, I'm thinking the OR might be looking like a good place to be.

Maybe Xavier is onto something...

Thursday, April 19, 2007

BAG day!

It's a little late for this, but hey - I've been busy.

Tax day is traditionally Buy A Gun (BAG) Day. Here's my acquisition:

Yep - you've seen that before.

I'm shooting consistently low at about 20 yards, but I'll work on it. More info when I get more range time...

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Half-baked wisdom...

... courtesy of Bill Schneider, CNN Senior Talking Head:

Is the Virginia Tech tragedy likely to put gun control on the political agenda? Don't bet on it. In recent years, gun control has been an issue most politicians prefer to stay away from.

The last significant gun control measures to make it through Congress were the Brady bill in 1993 and the assault weapons ban in 1994.

And what happened? Democrats lost control of Congress for 12 years. President Clinton said the gun lobby had a lot to do with his party's defeat. Democrats have been gun-shy ever since.

Well, that's pretty accurate. However, Bill can't shut up after that, nor can he keep his dimwitted opinions to himself:

Polls show the public supports gun control. Why don't the politicians get with the people?

Because politicans - scum-sucking lickspittles though they are - are in place to keep the people from getting whipped into a frenzy by steaming sacks of lying media excrement like yourself and doing stupid things, Bill. That's why. It's called a "Republic." Read up on it.

Oh, and it may also be worth mentioning that Bill's beloved polls showed Bush lost the White House (though I forget if that was in 2000 or 2004.) Polls are unreliable and misleading. Kind of like ... um ..... reporters.

Frankly, though I doubt Bill is right on this one. It pains me to say it, but for once, I'm going with Senator Feinstein (Socialist - CA):

"I believe this will re-ignite the dormant effort to pass common-sense gun regulations in this nation.''

I'm sure you'll do your best to see to that, you wrinkled pinko has-been. I'd have a tiny bit more respect for her if she'd just come out and say "gun confiscation" instead of using slimy euphemisms like "common-sense gun regulations." Liar.

At least the NRA has the sack to say what they mean.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Here we go...

... more "gun control" in 3 ... 2 ... 1 ...

I've been saying for some time now that those who would ban guns outright are just waiting for something "big" to happen. Well, they've got it, and those of us who advocate an armed society are screwed. That's not me being a defeatist ... that's realism. It's tough to argue for personal freedoms in the form of a gun when CNN is howling about a massacre.

Don't think for a minute I don't hate it ... I just call 'em like I see 'em.

LawDog has some relevant thoughts on the matter:

One man. On a campus of 25,000 people. 25,000 people surrounded by fire extinguishers, book bags, pencils, pens, drafting compasses, chairs, broom handles, power strips, ceramics, chains and everything heavy and/or sharp.

One man managed to gun down fifty people -- or more -- without being stabbed and bludgeoned to death where he stood by the other 24,950 people.

That's modern America for you.

We die on our knees so we can claim to be "peaceful" and we make it the duty of the state to see to it to make us "safe" - no matter how oppressive the measures to achieve that end may be. No degree of gun control or knife control or sharp stick control can help us now. We seem to be willing to be locked in chains and to endure constant surveillance to acheive that end. Our society keeps getting more and more Orwellian, and we just can't seem to get enough.

Never mind the fact that it's illegal to have guns on the VA Tech campus, and cameras are everywhere. How'd that work out for 'em?

Oh, and not so long ago, the powers-that-be in VA recently denied the rights of students to be armed on campus.

Virginia Tech spokesman Larry Hincker was happy to hear the bill was defeated. "I'm sure the university community is appreciative of the General Assembly's actions because this will help parents, students, faculty and visitors feel safe on our campus."

Great job, Larry. How many of your students felt safe today?

It's a good thing no other students on campus were armed. There might have been a bloodbath. Goodness.

Democrats control Congress, and another one will soon be President, and the modern incarnation of the Democrat party is more than happy to put the people in chains while assuring them it's for the greater good. Gun control was a winner - at least in the short term - for the Dems during the Clinton years in the wake of (gawd I'm already sick of hearing this word come up again) Columbine.

The timing of this thing sucks.

The independent fighting spirit which built this country is dead and gone.

Stick a fork in us. We're done.

I'm just going to sit here and watch this happen.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Car keys and vomit

Tam and Kim have both become aware of this little nugget of warm, steaming excrement: tips on how women can protect themselves without using a gun, courtesy of the Illinois State Police.

Just a snippet:

It may sound disgusting, but putting your fingers into you throat and making yourself vomit usually gets results. (This method is not often used except as a last resort.)

Use your imagination and you can think of others.

Articles common to your handbag that make useful defense weapons.
rat tail comb
teasing brush
pens and pencils
anything rigid
What has our society come to when we'll stoop to advocating the use of vomiting just to avoid the perceived violence of modern weaponry? For God's sake - why are women not utterly enraged by this utter lunacy?
Maybe Tam said it best:
Guns, of course, are a no-no because apparently (at least according to them) we're so flighty that half of the time we try to use a gun for self-defense, we wind up busting a cap in the wrong individual. I'd really love to see their data on that one. (Yeah, you're all the time reading about how some woman in a parking lot somewhere ran her Glock to slidelock in some guy because he pulled a wallet on her. This is me rolling my eyes.)

Friday, April 06, 2007

Yeah -- what she said...