Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Half-baked wisdom...

... courtesy of Bill Schneider, CNN Senior Talking Head:

Is the Virginia Tech tragedy likely to put gun control on the political agenda? Don't bet on it. In recent years, gun control has been an issue most politicians prefer to stay away from.

The last significant gun control measures to make it through Congress were the Brady bill in 1993 and the assault weapons ban in 1994.

And what happened? Democrats lost control of Congress for 12 years. President Clinton said the gun lobby had a lot to do with his party's defeat. Democrats have been gun-shy ever since.

Well, that's pretty accurate. However, Bill can't shut up after that, nor can he keep his dimwitted opinions to himself:

Polls show the public supports gun control. Why don't the politicians get with the people?

Because politicans - scum-sucking lickspittles though they are - are in place to keep the people from getting whipped into a frenzy by steaming sacks of lying media excrement like yourself and doing stupid things, Bill. That's why. It's called a "Republic." Read up on it.

Oh, and it may also be worth mentioning that Bill's beloved polls showed Bush lost the White House (though I forget if that was in 2000 or 2004.) Polls are unreliable and misleading. Kind of like ... um ..... reporters.

Frankly, though I doubt Bill is right on this one. It pains me to say it, but for once, I'm going with Senator Feinstein (Socialist - CA):

"I believe this will re-ignite the dormant effort to pass common-sense gun regulations in this nation.''

I'm sure you'll do your best to see to that, you wrinkled pinko has-been. I'd have a tiny bit more respect for her if she'd just come out and say "gun confiscation" instead of using slimy euphemisms like "common-sense gun regulations." Liar.

At least the NRA has the sack to say what they mean.


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