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... 5 to go.

Actually, today's exam wasn't a "final" -- just the last exam in Psych Nursing. I've got a computer exam to take today (the last test - at least there's no final in that class), and then on to studying for the dreaded Pharmacology final tomorrow.
Everyone in the class also has to take computer-based assessments in particular nursing areas (fundamentals, med/surg, pharm, etc.) mandated by the nursing program. We're not "graded" on them, as such, but if we don't make a certain benchmark score, we have to have "remediation" in that particular area during the summer.
Translation: just another thing to worry about.
I don't think I've ever had this much pressure going into finals before. I'm to the point that I've turned off all the phone ringers in the house (stupid contraption is driving me crazy...) I swear, if I could crawl back into the deepest recesses of a cave -- and still be able to use the computer -- I think I'd do it.
If I get through this without developing a bleeding ulcer, it'll be a miracle.
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