Friday, October 06, 2006

A solid idea...

... which will never see its day here in America. At least not until we see firearms presented in a more level-headed manner by the media and both sides of the political aisle. Until then, the discussion of firearms - in pretty much any context - will be nothing more than an exercise in hyperbole for news anchors and most Democrats.

Aside from that, when I think back to my time in school, I can't think of more than one or two instructors that would have been psychologically capable of being armed. That includes my instructors now in nursing school. Most people in education just aren't the self-defense type. They most likely don't own guns as it is -- they don't have the self-defense mindset, much less the mindset that would prepare them to protect a classroom full of students. They'd just surrender the gun to the first terrorist/wacko who came through the classroom door. They've bought the "books-not-bombs" idea, and - frankly - educators are a lost cause. To them, peace can only be achieved when we're all castrated.

Armed guards? Well, maybe, but never forget that Gary Coleman worked for a "home-security" (and I use that term loosely) company. I'm a proponent of self-defense, not more externalization of our safety mechanisms. I don't want to rely on the police or 9-1-1 dial-a-prayer, and I don't believe armed guards are the answer, either. It may be better than nothing, though, when you have to protect a room full of 10-year olds somehow.

On the bright side, in the last few years, many states have passed right-to-carry and "castle-doctrine" legislation. The idea of guns as necessary tools has been making somewhat of a comeback. That's been under the influence of a Republican administration, though -- and the G.O.P. is taking a beating right now. Considering how hard the Republicans are trying to screw this up for themselves, their days of influence are numbered. Once the Democrat party is back in power, the pendulum will start swinging the other way. Mark my words.

Anyway, I'd love to be in love with the idea of arming teachers, but it ain't gonna happen.


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