Thursday, September 21, 2006


Yeah, I've been away from the 'ol blog. It's been a hectic week. I've had exams, clinicals and quizzes. Some things take priority. So sue me.

Anyway, since I don't feel much like blogging about abdominal palpation techniques, here's a rundown of some interesting blog stuff from the past few days...

The Geek lays it on the line when it comes to Islamic extremism, the Pope and civilization.

Lawdog gets it, too.

Tam has some gut-wrenching insight regarding "security cameras", for those of you who've read the book. She also answers that burning question, "Why are you carrying a gun?"

Xavier seeks a blogiversary gun. (Hey, I didn't know about that tradition! Mine will have to wait 'till Christmas, I'm afraid...)

And that's the news for now. Hopefully I'll get some video from this past weekend's competition (which included my first opportunity to compete with the AR!!) tonight. Hey, I've got to take a study break once in a while or my eyeballs will start to bleed...


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