It's not about "immigrants"
I swear from the darkest pit of my soul, California cannot slide off into the Pacific quickly enough.
State Senate Supports Immigrant Walkout On Monday
(AP) SACRAMENTO California's state senators on Thursday endorsed Monday's boycott of schools, jobs and stores by illegal immigrants and their allies as supporters equated the protest with great social movements in American history.
By a 24-13 vote that split along party lines, the California Senate approved a resolution that calls the one-day protest the Great American Boycott 2006 and describes it as an attempt to educate Americans "about the tremendous contribution immigrants make on a daily basis to our society and economy."
Social movment, my ass.
OK, putting that second paragraph right after the first one violates so many basic tenets of logic that I don't know where to begin.
If they believe that strongly that we should just let all the people who want to come in here just prance right across the border, then so be it.
Just as long as California gets all of them. Every last one. Let the doe-eyed moonbat blissninnies pay for the health care, food stamps, housing and social services for all of 'em. And I'll sit here and giggle when they start bleating about their increasing crime rate.
Immigrants built this country, and if it were solely a question of immigrant rights, I'd join in. But it's not about immigrants.
It's about ILLEGAL immigrants. It's about caving in to the pressure of an interest group that's going to (hopefully) drive California so far into the red (sic) that they'll run into the Pacific like crazed lemmings when they realize what they've done.
Check that -- the Democratic party knows a voting block when they see one. Border control and national security be damned. Hey - they want to let felons vote -- I wonder whose vote they'll be courting next...
If you want to be able to provide "social services" (God, I hate that term), then surely you've got to acknowledge that the money for those services has to come from somewhere. Perhaps you should figure out how to secure that funding before handing out blank checks. Not that California seems to be all that adept at balancing budgetary matters with social(ist) policy. Even on a national level, we can't even currently provide health care for those people here legally, for God's sake (well, assuming nationalized health care is something you want...)
I'll say it again: We can fix this problem real quick. Build a biiiiiig wall along the southern border. Mine it. The whole thing. The flow of illegal immigrants will slow to a trickle. Then deport the illegals (cheaper than paying for their health care, by a long shot). Only those who came here from a country across a body of water from us get a plane ticket. Everyone else takes a bus to the border. Then they walk.
Then we can concern ourselves with the rights of legal American citizens. As it should be.