Thursday, April 06, 2006

I'm interested to hear...

.... what my Nascar-watching friends think of this one:

... and there's no such thing as too much Katie Couric-bashing. Just when I thought I couldn't hate CBS (Commie Broadcasting System .... or just Commie B.S., if you prefer) any more...


Blogger miss fluffy said...

Your NASCAR-watching wife has this to add...

And I have to agree with my racing buddies, M and A, that NBC just plain sucks in their crappy attempt to broadcast NASCAR races.

As far as this report goes... I think it's a great statement to NASCAR fans to see that NBC will try to set them up for criticism as they will claim to love them (and their ratings) a few months from now. I guess that doesn't make NBC unique, but it sure makes them look stupid. And yeah, NASCAR fans would rather boot NBC now and give ESPN a shot to finish of the season... THIS season.

7:42 PM  

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