The LawDog Files...
All Alpineman, all stream-of-consciousness-brain-spew, all the time.
"The attitude of people associating guns with nothing but crime, that is
what has to be changed," Scalia told the audience of about 2,000.
06Feb06 As we train beginning students in the Art of keeping and bearing arms
for serious purposes, usually for the first time in their lives, I frequently
need to be reminded that the philosophical overlay is more important than actual
psycho-motor skills. The act of bearing arms requires of the bearer a genuine,
individual commitment to personal responsibility, personal righteousness,
personal self-control, and personal nobility, virtues seldom emphasized in our
glib culture, often devoted only to shallow self-indulgence and
self-consumption. The experience is similar to going to boot camp, where all the
whinny, juvenile, selfish, childish nonsense swimming around in your head is
progressively slapped out of you; where you learn to take your responsibility to
yourself, your nation, and your family's name seriously! Bearing arms is similar
to having an advanced degree in a deadly martial art. You're safer in the
company of a martial arts master than in that of naive grasseater who couldn't
beat his way out of a paper bag. The master has the ability to cripple and/or
kill an attacker, nearly without effort, but mature judgement and a firm, moral
foundation stays his swift hand. Naive grasseaters are dupes of the false
doctrine of "learned helplessness," now considered a virtue in many segments of
our upside-down culture, particularly by autocratic politicians seeking support
from these shallow, defenseless, dependant, perpetual victims. Grasseaters will
not stand and fight! But, inside most is a warrior trying to get out. Our job is
to bring him forth, while we still can! /John
The experience is similar to going to boot camp, where all the whinny,
juvenile, selfish, childish nonsense swimming around in your head is progressively slapped out of you; where you learn to take your
responsibility to yourself, your nation, and your family's name seriously!
BREITWEISER: Listen, I heard a lot of talk about not having
actionable intelligence. Where was the initiative to make the intelligence
that they had actionable? That‘s someone‘s job.
MATTHEWS: The president, you mean?
BREITWEISER: That‘s someone‘s job to say—to turn to the intel
agencies and say, “Make it actionable.”
According to a Census Bureau press release from 1998,
In 1997, the number and poverty rate of African Americans was 9.1 million and 26.5 percent, compared with 24.4 million and 11.0 percent for Whites; 1.5 million and 14.0 percent for Asians and Pacific Islanders; and 8.3 million and 27.1 percent for Hispanics. The poverty rate for Hispanics did not differ statistically from the rate for African Americans.For families, the number and percentage of poor in 1997 was 2.0 million and 23.6 percent for African Americans; 5.0 million and 8.4 percent for Whites; 244,000 and 10.2 percent for Asians and Pacific Islanders; and 1.7 million and 24.7 percent for Hispanics. The poverty rate for Hispanics did not differ statistically from the rate for African Americans.
In 1997 the homicide rate for black males 15-35 was 2.6 times the rate for Hispanic males in the same age group. It was ten times the rate for Asians & Pacific Islanders. Poverty does not explain the disparity, or at least not all of it. Interestingly, young Hispanic black males have a lower homicide rate than their caucasian equivalents - and far lower than non-hispanic blacks.
It is no suprise that crime and poverty go hand-in-hand (though there's a chicken/egg component there I won't address at the moment.) The question, however, is why are young black males six times more likely to die of a gunshot wound than the average non-black young male? They aren't six times more poverty-stricken than other poor groups. They aren't even 2.6 times more poverty-stricken than Hispanics. The "elephant in the room" isn't that "handguns are a lot easier to get here and a lot more commonplace here than in most other places," it's that young black men here misuse them (and other weapons) at several times the rate of all other young men.