Friday, April 09, 2010


I'm not all that adventurous when it comes to my music. I'm pretty open minded, but then again I get irritated at people who have this cultural ADHD, who get so bored so easily and are soooo into the latest europopelectronica and barely finish listening to one artist before they're on to the next big thing. (The musical interludes by those collectivist eurosnobs on NPR - like on All Songs Considered comes to mind.) You know the type ... people who confuse an inability to focus and an interest in obscure music with sophistication.

That said, I can't help my curiosity when it comes to the music from Adult Swim's "bumps" in between shows. You get some weird visual over some weird music.

But some of the music is so weird it's cool.

The first one that hooked me was the "Baggage Room" bump (Massage Situation by Flying Lotus.)

I also like the "Where Are You Going?" bump (FUSE by Hudson Mohawke.)

Dang ... does that mean I have musical ADHD and I'm easily bored??.... Or am I just a hypocrite?

See the bumps at BumpWorthy.


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