Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Blah blah blah...

News flash:

Iran brutalizes protesters. Obama makes strongly-worded sounds with his face ... in lieu of actually doing anything:

President Barack Obama praised "the courage and the conviction of the Iranian people" while condemning Iran's Islamic government for attacking demonstrators with "the iron fist of brutality."

Terrorist tries to blow up airliner. Obama makes more sound with face ... after the fact.

President Obama said Tuesday that a "systemic failure" on multiple levels allowed a passenger armed with explosives to board a Detroit-bound flight last week.

Considering the big hole still gaping in the ground in Manhattan, the fact that he's just now addressing "systemic failure" in airline security is utterly astounding. Dare I assume the 911 Commission Report wasn't on his Christmas-in-Hawaii reading list?

How's all that hope and change working out for you, America? Troops are still in Iraq and Afghanistan. Guantanamo still isn't closed. Unemployment still hovers around 10%. Governmental "transparency" is nowhere to be found. His "healthcare" initiative was passed by blatantly buying off congressweasels.

Good grief ... at this rate, he's making W. and his administration look honest and competent.


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