Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Jefe died a little while ago at the vet's office. He'd been getting rapidly more ill over the last few days, and he could hardly walk this morning.

He'd had a positive Coombs test, indicating hemolytic anemia. The cause of the condition doesn't seem clear, but that was the explanation for his continuing anemia. I had hoped it would resolve after his spleen was removed - and he seemed to improve for a while - but that didn't turn out to be the case.

The vet said there may have been another mass. It doesn't really matter now, though.

Miss Fluffy is really torn up about it. I resent that I have to be at work in under 2 hours and that I can't be here for her.

I'm not sure how to feel. I'm crying as I write this. He was miserable over the last couple of days. Miss Fluffy had to carry him to the car this afternoon. I didn't want him to suffer.

I loved Jefe. He wasn't my first dog, but he was the first dog I had as an independent adult. He's lived with me and Miss Fluffy in two apartments and two houses. He's been with us through moves and job changes - thick and thin. He could frustrate the snot out of me, but... He was everything that we all love about our dogs -- he was the epitome of unconditional love.

There will probably be other dogs, but there will never be another Jefe.

You're a good dog, Jefe. I love you, and I'll miss you.

Sunday, March 22, 2009


I fixed one of my target stands the other day, and I also made a barricade for drills like this one from a class taught by Magpul Dynamics' Chris Costa.

Now if I just had time to get out and actually use 'em...


I'm in the midst of working with the first of my two RN preceptors. I'm working ER with this one, and it's where I want to be. I wish I could see more interesting stuff, but ER is like that ... you really just end up treating kids with strep whose parents don't have insurance rather than MVAs and MIs and all the interesting stuff.

I'm doing 6 days this week, half with my preceptor and half paid work. Today will be Day 2.

It's going to be a long week.

Saturday, March 14, 2009


I competed in my first IDPA match in a loooooong time today. About 8 other shooters and I braved 40-degree temps and steady, unrelenting rain to do about 8 stages. It was worth it. Running-and-gunning is about as much fun as you can have with your clothes on...

I won the CDP Marksman class.

Of course .... I was the only competitor in CDP Marksman...

Can't wait for the next match!! Man, I forgot how much I missed those matches...

Friday, March 06, 2009

Study day


Actually, I need to start getting a schedule together to arrange the 120 preceptor hours I'll need to complete before I can take my boards.

Other than that, I'd like to work on finishing America Alone by Mark Steyn, which I started during Christmas break.

That's right, folks ... I can read for pleasure again!!

There are also some projects I'd like to work on -- some landscaping around the house, painting, etc. I'm soooo looking forward to shooting IDPA again. There are also some barricades I'd like to make for rifle and pistol drills.

So much has been on the back-burner for so long ... I'm not sure quite where to begin.

Wednesday, March 04, 2009


I got an A on the final exam.

I got an A for the semester.

It's not all over, of course. I still have boards...

For now, though... no more homework.


Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Almost .... there ....

Final Exam in just a few hours.............

Sunday, March 01, 2009

Back on the wagon...

I'm trying to get my flabby butt back on the wagon now that my RN studies are coming to a close.

Yesterday I did Day 1 of the workout The Mighty HODAR came up with for me ... he said it was to get you ready "to keep Tiny the cellmate away" ... if it ever came to that. Day 1 is chest/arms, consisting of 3 sets until failure of: incline bench press, flat bench press, butterflies, dumbbell curls, preacher curls and standing barbell curls. I also did 120 sit-ups to go with it.

Today I jogged about 2.5 miles and did a measly 25 sit ups (sue me ... my flabby abs hurt.)

Tomorrow I plan to do Day 2 of the workout, which will be back/shoulders, then Day 3 is legs.

The Greyhound and I have been talking (OK ... tentatively planning) to do Mt. Shasta again this summer. It's good to have a goal.

I'll be working in mountain biking, trail running, firewood cutting (yeah, cutting, splitting and stacking all your own firewood counts as a workout ... try it) and hiking with a loaded pack to whip myself back into shape (or at least some shape other than round...)

As for right now, I need a shower. Badly.

Then I'll study for Tuesday's final exam.

I work E.R. tonight 5pm 'till 3am.