My mom said something the other day about my old elementary school being locked down recently. Evidently, a "visitor" at the school refused to leave, so they locked the school down.
For one thing, way to go, Ms. School Principal ... the concept of ensuring the safety of your students and totally overreacting are
not the same thing.
Beyond that, though, whoever came up with this idea of "locking down" campuses in the name of safety is a blithering idiot. Yeah, lets create a target-rich environment for a school shooter. For cryin' out loud ... shooting fish in a barrel would be harder. At least the fish can move around.
I can't back this up one bit, but I'm willing to bet that at Columbine and Virginia Tech, the vast majority of students who were killed in the respective shootings were NOT killed while running away. They were probably killed in classrooms or libraries, probably hiding under desks. Probably at the instruction of a teacher or school administrator.
Was anyone who actually shoots a gun consulted when "lockdowns" became the norm? For God's sake, no hunter wants to shoot a deer that's running. The smart hunter waits 'till the animal stops and provides a clear shot. No competitive shooter wants to see a moving target. I'm fairly confident that most law enforcement officers don't shoot qualifications involving moving targets. Things that are
not moving are easier to shoot than things that
are moving. Duh. Heck, I don't really believe you ever have to have pulled a trigger to figure that out.
I'm a college student, and my school would probably try to do the same thing if somebody started shooting up the place. We'd probably be told to stay in our classrooms and lock the door. I'm here to tell you, folks ... if I get one of those text messages warning me to stay in class and lock the door, I'm going to promptly do the opposite. When the shooting starts, screw my teachers and screw the administrators. I'm outta there, Jack. Try to keep up.
For starters, I know how much harder it is to hit a moving target. If I'm going to be a target, I'm going to be the kind that moves. At the very least, if kids are going to be locked in the building with the wackjob that's shooting at them, why aren't students trained to scream foul language and throws things? For God's sake, do
something. Don't just sit there and get shot.
I realize that students are probably encouraged to sit tight so that there's not mass chaos when the cops (eventually) show up. Tough luck. Look, my first priority isn't making some cop's day easier. #1 on my to-do list during a school shooting will be to NOT DIE. Cops are trained to deal with chaotic situations. Cops can show up at the scene, not the other way around. They'll have body armor, radio communication, backup and probably an armored personnel carrier. The cops can bring all that and their guns to school ... I can't. So I'm stacking the odds in my favor, and
I'm leaving. I promise to be a good boy and put my hands up when I get outside.
I'm not going to die cowering under my desk begging for my life. I read the
9/11 Commission Report, and I took notes. No, really, I actually took notes. On 9/11, the only hijacked plane that didn't hit anything of any significance was Flight 93. Of course, those people had to fight back because running away wasn't an option. I'd like to think I'd stand and fight, but since I'm going to be in a situation in which I can't even bring a knife to the gunfight, I'm going to do the only thing left to do, and I'm going to run for the hills.
Lockdowns are the creation of people with a tenuous grip on reality. I'm not holding still to make it more covenient for somebody to shoot me. As a thinking adult who likes breathing, I say lockdowns are for saps. So - again - if the shooting starts and you see me running, try to keep up.
EDIT: Some common sense
rears it's ugly head in mASSachusetts, and school-marms go into PSH over the idea of kids fighting back...
They're having oral sex at the age of 11, but it's too much of a "burden" for a kid to be encouraged to do something to try and
not get shot? Huh?