More convinced
I've watched most of the DNC speeches so far ... I don't believe in turning a blind eye to the opposition.

Interestingly, I've been watching the majority of it on a channel which my satellite TV service has provided dedicated to the 2 major parties' conventions. No commercials, no talking heads, just gavel-to-gavel cameras trained on the podium. You get to see it all, and provide your own analysis (or ranting, in my case...) It's interesting to see how much the MSM leaves out in their coverage. Then again, considering the degree to which the speakers have already beaten the themes-of-the-convention to death ad nauseum, I can partially see why the networks cut some speakers out in favor of so-called "analysis."
That being said, I'm more convinced than ever that I'm not voting Democratic this year (again.) I say that knowing that Obama will beat McCain like a rented mule in November. I say that not yet having heard Biden or Obama speak (I'm calling them Obama bin Biden now.)
I'm a nurse. I see the disregard with which people treat their own health, and I see what the majority of them do with the health care benefits they have (private insurance or otherwise.) I've never before been more opposed to the idea of universal heath insurance/socialized medicine/coverage-for-all or whatever euphamistic terms the Democrats want to use.
Mark my words: if universal health care becomes a reality, you may have coverage, but you won't get the care. At least you won't get the kind of care you're expecting, and you sure as hell won't get it in a timely fashion. You'll wait in line behind the drug abusers, the narcotic-seekers, the non-compliant diabetics. The healthcare professionals tasked with caring for you will burn out in a hurry. The benefits will be squandered. Fraud will be rampant. It. Will. Be. A. Disaster. You heard me.

I am not in favor of leaving Iraq. Sure, I don't want to see any more of our servicemen and servicewomen have to go overseas for yet another tour while the vast majority of America whines from the sidelines. I'm against abandoning the country we invaded, and that's exactly what Obama is advocating. I'm sick of McCain's position on Iraq being painted as supporting a century of unending warfare. Here's the thing, folks -- whether you like it or not, Iraq is our baby now. We broke it ... we bought it. To leave it in the shape it's in now is nothing short of unethical and immoral. We must not leave until we have the country back on its feet. We invaded their country. We have a responsibility to fix it.

Hillary's speech tonight was so incredibly soaked with outright, unapolagetic feminism that I felt somewhat vindicated in despising her so much. She's a bitter feminist. That's all she has ever been, it's all she is, and it's all she'll ever be. I don't want a feminist leading my country. I want a President. Go away, Hills. The feminist movement is over. It's 2008. Get with the program. "Move on," as it were.
Generally speaking, that's the one thing that's stood out thus far about the DNC. They all seem obsessed with the idea that it's still 1968.

For God's sake, it's 2008. Jim Crow is over. Seneca Falls is over. We have bigger problems now. Until the Democrats figure that out, they'll never get my vote.

Interestingly, I've been watching the majority of it on a channel which my satellite TV service has provided dedicated to the 2 major parties' conventions. No commercials, no talking heads, just gavel-to-gavel cameras trained on the podium. You get to see it all, and provide your own analysis (or ranting, in my case...) It's interesting to see how much the MSM leaves out in their coverage. Then again, considering the degree to which the speakers have already beaten the themes-of-the-convention to death ad nauseum, I can partially see why the networks cut some speakers out in favor of so-called "analysis."
That being said, I'm more convinced than ever that I'm not voting Democratic this year (again.) I say that knowing that Obama will beat McCain like a rented mule in November. I say that not yet having heard Biden or Obama speak (I'm calling them Obama bin Biden now.)
I'm a nurse. I see the disregard with which people treat their own health, and I see what the majority of them do with the health care benefits they have (private insurance or otherwise.) I've never before been more opposed to the idea of universal heath insurance/socialized medicine/coverage-for-all or whatever euphamistic terms the Democrats want to use.
Mark my words: if universal health care becomes a reality, you may have coverage, but you won't get the care. At least you won't get the kind of care you're expecting, and you sure as hell won't get it in a timely fashion. You'll wait in line behind the drug abusers, the narcotic-seekers, the non-compliant diabetics. The healthcare professionals tasked with caring for you will burn out in a hurry. The benefits will be squandered. Fraud will be rampant. It. Will. Be. A. Disaster. You heard me.

I am not in favor of leaving Iraq. Sure, I don't want to see any more of our servicemen and servicewomen have to go overseas for yet another tour while the vast majority of America whines from the sidelines. I'm against abandoning the country we invaded, and that's exactly what Obama is advocating. I'm sick of McCain's position on Iraq being painted as supporting a century of unending warfare. Here's the thing, folks -- whether you like it or not, Iraq is our baby now. We broke it ... we bought it. To leave it in the shape it's in now is nothing short of unethical and immoral. We must not leave until we have the country back on its feet. We invaded their country. We have a responsibility to fix it.

Hillary's speech tonight was so incredibly soaked with outright, unapolagetic feminism that I felt somewhat vindicated in despising her so much. She's a bitter feminist. That's all she has ever been, it's all she is, and it's all she'll ever be. I don't want a feminist leading my country. I want a President. Go away, Hills. The feminist movement is over. It's 2008. Get with the program. "Move on," as it were.
Generally speaking, that's the one thing that's stood out thus far about the DNC. They all seem obsessed with the idea that it's still 1968.

For God's sake, it's 2008. Jim Crow is over. Seneca Falls is over. We have bigger problems now. Until the Democrats figure that out, they'll never get my vote.
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