Tuesday, June 27, 2006


I'm 2 weeks into the summer term, and it looks like I'm going to be withdrawing from my College Algebra class.

Didn't see that coming.

I was in the math lab after classes today talking to someone, and I mentioned I was in the LPN program, and I was taking both Anatomy & Physiology and College Algebra, and that it was killing me.

She said, "Why are you taking College Algebra?"

Ummmmm .......

It hit me that I didn't quite know why I was taking it. So the inevitable questions started: "Why am I doing this to myself, then?" "How did I end up in this class?" "Do you realize how much better I could have done on my Anatomy & Physiology test if I had more time for that class?!?!?"

So, I came home and had the whole "you're not hearing me" discussion with Miss Fluffy, and she helped me work out 1. why I was enrolled in the first place and 2. that I can withdraw.

Basically, I had enrolled in algebra because I needed it for the RN program. The issue now is that I didn't get into the RN program. I'm in the LPN program (assuming I passed the CNA state board exam, but that's another matter entirely), and the LPN course of study doesn't require the algebra class.

In a nutshell, I'm taking the class, suffering through 3 to 4 hrs. of homework each night, and I don't have to.

Of course, since RN is my ultimate goal, I'll have to have the class eventually. But I don't have to take it now.

It's not that it's a difficult class -- it's that I'm not doing as well in it OR in A & P as I could be -- the classes are too intense for someone like me (who isn't math/science oriented) to take together in such a compressed time frame and do well.

Maybe I could hang on & push through it, but why? Why end up with 2 "C"s when I could put the math off 'till next summer and end up with "A"s in both A&P and math? And not work myself half to death to boot?

So, it looks like I'll withdraw tomorrow.

But I can't help feeling like a quitter.

I know that's silly, but it's the truth.


Blogger Xavier said...

You are not a quitter. You are making a smart move. Get out of the class. Now.

Even once you are in a RN program, take the least math necessary. there will only be about six formulas you will use unless you decide to become a CRNA. A&P will serve you much much better than math. A&P is important. Math can be replaced with a calculator and a formula.

11:09 PM  
Blogger miss fluffy said...

Alpine, you did the right thing. Even if you think I wasn't hearing you... this decision was ultimately yours, and I'm behind you either way. I'm glad you made a decision and went with it... and I'm sure the rest of the summer term will go along much more smoothly now! And be proud of that A you made on your Algebra test... you'll do well at it whenever you take it!

Now maybe you'll have time to get out and shoot some... and sleep more... and stress less... yeah, good choice, sweetpea!

12:47 AM  
Blogger NotClauswitz said...

Focus! I failed pre-calculus twice in at UC Santa Cruz, a University with no grades! I was lousy at math in HS and just didn't have the mechanics down, I could do the same equation three times and get four different results. It was simply not enough to do advanced stuff, thus the lame Anthropology degree.

Oh the short-bus joyous product of the California Education System, a laboratory experiment in social engineering 5th grade's introduction of New Math (now known historically as a Great Educational Failure and Horrible Mistake) replacing the tried and true methods, to the Social Destiny of intelli-metrics, the planned class-divisions by "lanes" based on skill factors and test scores.

3:47 PM  

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