Sunday, September 11, 2005

In case you've forgotten...

...the "news" is willing to sue to get access to body-recovery efforts along the gulf coast, because corpses make good ratings. However, they won't show the most shocking images from September 11, 2001 on TV anymore. They're too "disturbing". I think that's part of the reason our resolve fails, and we sink back into our pre-9/11 state of denial. Still critical of the idea of preemptive war? Still demand that we only go to war in response to an attack? Don't think we have any business meddling in the Middle East? In four short years we've forgotten how it feels to be hit first. These images are horrific, and they should be seared into our minds so that we never forget the savagery of our enemy. That's why we hit first now. They target civilians. They want to kill us, just because we're Americans. These people jumping to their deaths were compared to Eichman by Ward Churchill. I'd like to see Mr. Churchill say that to the face of just one member of the FDNY. Grow a spine, Ward.

Never forget.



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