Monday, August 27, 2007


Miss Fluffy & I get way too many calls from collections agencies for other people. The only thing these companies are getting right is the last name of the account. Does some slacker in a cubicle somewhere just find a close-enough name in a close-enough town that's close-enough to the name on the account just to fill his/her quota? What the hell? Is it just because we live in a small town??

I have only slightly less disdain for people who don't pay their bills than I do for collections agencies. Man, I wish they'd do their research and stop calling me.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Mmmmmm, coffee....

These are hilarious:

Find more here.

Thursday, August 09, 2007


What do a brothel and socialized medicine have in common?

Lawdog has the answer.

Work/school update

My math class is over and I made an "A". That's right - my 4.0 GPA made it through a math class unscathed. That's all the math I'll need to see me through the RN program (coming soon...)

Math. *gag* Good riddance.

I have 2 more days of work left - 3rd shift tonight and 2nd shift Saturday. Sunday will by my little "vacation" before my practical nursing classes crank back up on Monday.